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Membership benefits include:

  • Regular newsletters and correspondence regarding clinical trials
  • Access to COGNO resources and advice
  • Access to workshops, seminars and meetings organised by COGNO
  • Access to professional and research networks in the field of Neuro-Oncology
  • Invitation to attend COGNO Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • 10% discount for Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) membership

Membership of the group is free and does not need to be renewed annually. Interested parties should complete the online membership application and select a proposer and seconder from the drop down list of current COGNO members. Interested parties who don’t know two current members should contact COGNO to determine the closest current members in your area. Received applications for membership are then ratified by the COGNO Management Committee.

Members will be advised once their application has been ratified. On an ongoing basis, members will receive membership newsletters by email detailing the group’s activities, including opportunities to be involved in COGNO trials and trial development, and information on the annual scientific meeting.

Should you require more information, please contact info@cogno.org
We look forward to receiving your completed membership application.


First Name *:
Last Name *:
Occupation / Profession *:
If other, please specify:
If Trainee, please specify:
Are the majority of patients you deal with children?
Institution *:
Country *:
State *:
Postcode *:
Postal Address:
(If different to above)
State :
Email *:
Secondary Email:

COGNO has 2 levels of membership; Full and Associate. If you are a patient or carer, please apply for Associate Membership (Consumers).

Full Membership is open to Australian and New Zealand researchers and health professionals with an interest in brain tumour clinical trials.
Associate Membership:
  • Overseas - open to researchers and health professionals who are not from Australia or New Zealand, who have an interest in brain tumour clinical trials.
  • Consumers - open to consumer advocates and members of the community (including patients and carers) who have an interest in brain tumour clinical trials.
  • Industry - open to industry representatives with an interest in brain tumour clinical trials.
Membership Type *:
Proposed By *:
Seconded By *:

If you are unable to identify a proposer and/or seconder please contact COGNO who may be able to assist you.

If you are unable to identify a proposer please contact COGNO  who may be able to assist you.

Motivation for joining COGNO *:
Please attach your CV *:
Do you give permission for your name to appear on the list of proposers and seconders?